What is DELGADA?
• DELGADA is a contouring serum to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat on the face or body.
• DELGADA provides a natural and sharp facial line by reducing redundant lipids or fat on the face or body.
• DELGADA is a homeopathic product, indicated as a co-helper for the treatment of obesity in all of its forms and manifestations as well for the most common dyslipidemias that tend to accompany the obesity problem.
DELGADA fat dissolving injections Active Ingredient:
Deoxycholic Acid – as a bile acid, it emulsifies fat. Synthetically derived deoxycholic Acid disrupts the cell membrane when injected and causes adipic cytolysis to stimulate the target decomposition of fatty cells.
The action of deoxycholic Acid is reduced by albumin and tissue-related proteins, so its effect is limited to subcutaneous that lack protein. Protein-rich tissues such as muscles and skin contribute to its safety without being affected by deoxycholic Acid.
DELGADA benefits:
- Break down fat cells
- NO Down Time
- NO steroid
- NO yoyo effect
Injection Depth: Subcutaneous layer
Needle: 30-31G
Maximum Dosage: Up to 16ml (2 ampoules) per session.
Five sessions in total at 1-week intervals
Massage enough after the application
For those who:
- are worried about your face looking big
- are bothered by a double chin
- are not losing weight even on diet or exercise
- wants a fast result
- wants to lose localized fat in a specific area
Product for professional use only.
By purchasing, you declare you are a doctor or cosmetologist trained in aesthetic medicine.
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